08 November 2009

~Dedicated to my 2 angels~

Luvly Diaries..

If something should ever happen to me..my love for you should never go unsaid..i never want this to go unsaid..so here in this poem..is for it to be said..there are no words to express how much you mean to me..a kids like you..i thought could never be..it is because both of you that my life has meaning..becoming a mom has shown me a new sense of being..i want to you to know that you were that purpose of my life..Out of everything i did it was you that i did right..Always remember that i know how much you care..i can tell by the relationship that we share..for my kids like both of you there could be no other and whether we are to together or apart..please do not forget..you all always have my kiss,you all always have my song..you can cry..can for the pride and joy..im not going anywhere..im here with you..i luv both of u very much..!!this is song for u..

Kaulah Hidup danMatiku..

kaulah darahku..juga nadiku..
kaulah nafasku..juga jantungku..
engkaulah hatiku..dan juga jiwaku..

Aku mau hidup dengamu..
Aku mau matipun keranamu..
aku mau di sisa waktuku bersamamu..

kaulah senyumku juga tawaku..
kaulah damaiku juga bahagiaku..
engkaulah teduhku tempatku bernaung..

kau yang setia menemaniku..
meresapkan harumnya cinta dihatiku..
kau yang menyayangiku setulusnya..


  1. alhamdulillah,smoga Allah memberkati segala kasih syg u terhadap anak2..aminnnn
