26 March 2010


Luvly Diaries...

I know dah lama tak buat new entry...lately im very busy at office..don't have time to write new entry but I really want to spill it out..

Being a secretive person i am.. I rarely tells people how I feels..Its true..Its hard for me to show my emotions..I always be a happy go lucky women in front of my friends and family although deep deep inside I'm broken..

I am not comfortable to tell people of how I feel like I will be fragile or vulnerable when people can see me..Thats why I'm secretive..I'm not comfortable of people knowing too much of me..That's why I rarely wrote about feeling in my blog..I don't want too and I don't like it..Part of it also because I am too shy people know many things about me and emotions..

Sometimes aku sendiri tak tahu apa yang aku fikirkan..Tak tau kenapa sekarang ni tak suka orang tahu perasaan aku ..malu sangat kalau orang tahu perasaan aku sebenar..But its truly who I am..

However,currently at the moment aku sedih sangat..I am broken hearted..i really need you need you because as I writing this at my luvly diaries..

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