06 April 2010

::Result Riqie::

Luvly Diaries..

Tadi aku pergi sekolah Riqie ader Parents Day..And usual aku yang pergi jumpa cikgu riqie.. Nak jumpa Cikgu pun kena buat appointment..haih..

Cikgu dia cakap banyak juga improvement kat riqie nie..alhamdulillah..banyak gak improvement sejak 3 bulan yang lepas..Yang lawak yer Cikgu dia boleh cakap "Rifqi Charming Smile in the school.."hahaha..senyumannya menambat hati cikgu dan kawan-kawan..hahaha..tergelak aku kat situ..Nie dia result Riqie..

Bahasa Melayu
Rifqi has positive inclination in learning but needs to improve in his concentration span in order to retain words learn

Smart Reader English ( Level 1)
Can speak well in class, but his written work needs improvement.Patience and encouragement should help in this

Can recite the numbers in sequence, but hesitates when asked to point or write numbers at random.He can however write when the numbers are pointed to

Motor Skill
Gross : Can hop,jump roll,crawl,waddle,throw a ring or ball and follow basic movements to music.

Fine: Able to trace numbers and letters but yet to write free hand.Learning to color within the lines.

General Observation
"RIFQI'S CHARMING SMILE..!! wins his friends and teachers over. He has made some fast friends and is actively involved in all that goes on in school

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