10 May 2010

::Happy Mother's Day..::

Luvly Diaries..

Semalam aku tak berkesempatan menulis entry coz terlalu buzy ..uncle aku kawen..uncle aku kawen lagi..upps..!!bukan kawen dua yer..kawen utk yang kali yang kedua yerr..hehehe..so dari hari sabtu aku dah start bz...uncle aku akad nikah hari sabtu lepas..then aku terus tido umah makcik aku dekat gombak...dekat skit dengan tempat uncle aku sanding dekat Dewan Melati..

Ari nie terasa penat lagi..so today tak terlambat lagi aku ingin mengucapkan kepada mak aku walaupun semalam dah wish..hehe..juga tidak lupa juga dekat mak aku lagi satu..my mother inlaw..walaupun bukan lagi mak mertua aku..tapi aku dah anggap dier sebagai ibu aku sendiri..kira mak angkat aku..hehe..dan kepada ibu-ibu di luar sana dan bakal-bakal ibu juga "SELAMAT HARI IBU..!!" Anak-anak aku awal2 dah wish before menyambut hari ibu lagi..express..haha...And mu daughter give me sumthing for me..walaupun hanya sekeping card..tapi amat berharga bagi aku dan kata-katanya amat terharu..

And this is for my mum..

Thank u mom..

For the love have given me

From the first day I came

Into this world..your gentle hands were there to hold me

Shelter and cradle me with kindness

As i grew ..u kept me from harm….warm from the clod and shielded from the pain of hunger

You taught me to say the words “mama”, “dada” and much to your regret, “No”

You helped me take that first timid step

And squeal with joy at the sight of silliness and fuzzy animals

As I grew up from baby to child.. u stayed strong by my side

Kissing away boo boos

And wiping away tears

Fight with girlfriends and broken toys seemed insurmountable

Until your patient voice calmed me

Never did I hear u complaint or falter in your devotion to me

Because of this, I’ve grown strong and proud with your love

Ready for a new journey in my life

I have your guidance to lead me as I follow you down the path to motherhood

I know u your strength and knowledge will live on in the child that is to come

Although words can never be enough….i will say them again

Thank u mum

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